Tips for building a healthier workplace

Is there chatter around your office about weight loss goals and couch-to-5k training programs?

The new year brings a renewed focus on health and wellness for many of us — probably including your employees. Does your workplace reinforce or counteract your employees’ desire for a healthy lifestyle?

A healthier workplace can motivate employees to make healthier choices for themselves — at work and at home. Workplace wellness efforts can also play a part in reducing chronic disease and injury risks.

Employees who are less fit are more likely to take sick days, develop chronic health issues and get hurt on the job and off. Smoking and obesity can compound health issues, delaying recovery and making workers’ comp claims more expensive.

Offering workplace wellness activities could be the extra motivation an employee needs to get moving.

Wellness programs can reduce costs associated with employer-sponsored health plans, workers’ compensation claims, short- and long-term disability and absenteeism, studies show.

No matter your business size, investing in a workplace wellness program can be extremely valuable. Studies show that well-designed wellness programs have a return on investment of $1.50 to $3 per dollar spent.

Get started on your workplace wellness program

If you’ve been thinking about offering a wellness program, but don’t know where to begin, one tips is to start small.

Encourage employees to take walking and stretching breaks. Bring in an instructor for an office yoga session. Replace the Monday morning doughnuts with fruit. Offer flu shots.

Wellness programs can cover a wide range of issues that affect your employees’ overall well-being. In a survey of SFM policyholders, respondents who already have wellness programs said they address some or all of the following topics:

  • Stress reduction
  • Physical fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Weight management
  • Mental health
  • Smoking cessation
  • Financial wellness

Tailor the wellness offerings to your workplace. Ask your employees for their ideas. As you try new wellness efforts, you’ll learn what works for your employees.

Integrate safety and wellness

Think about encouraging employee health together with safety.

The concept of Total Worker Health, developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), can be your guide. Total Worker Health integrates safety and health programs, with an emphasis on a hazard-free work environment to protect from injuries and illnesses and promote overall worker well-being.

To incorporate Total Worker Health into your workplace, look for opportunities to dovetail wellness programs with your loss prevention efforts. An initiative like SFM’s “get up and move” stretching program can introduce employees to the benefits of frequently moving throughout the day — benefits like reduced frequency and severity of injuries, increased productivity and higher energy.

Promote a culture of health

Research has found that the most successful workplace wellness programs promote a culture of health that permeates all aspects of company life. Showing that you care about and value employee health, safety and well-being will help embed wellness as a way of life.

The Workplace Health Resource Center provided by the CDC offers a searchable database of resources to begin or build on a wellness program. Check with your health insurance provider or employee assistance program on their offerings. Find more wellness articles on SFM’s blog.

Offering workplace wellness activities could be the extra motivation an employee needs to get moving — and keep going after the New Year’s resolution mania fades.

Eight tips for defensive driving

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 30,000 people in the United States die every year from motor vehicle accidents. The National Safety Council reported that crashes were responsible for 200,000 on-the-job injuries in 2015. Defensive driving helps avoid and prevent accidents, even in unsafe conditions. Here are eight tips to keep safer on the roads:

  • Drive at a safe speed for conditions
    Go slower than posted limits in snow or rain. Some tips for driving in winter weather include allowing yourself more time to travel and watching for black ice.
  • Maintain enough space between the vehicle in front of you
    It’s recommended to keep 2-4 seconds of space between you and the vehicle in front of you. If the conditions are slippery or if you are driving a commercial vehicle, increase the amount of space.
  • Be aware of your surroundings
    Get the big picture – occasionally glance 2-3 vehicles ahead of you, to your sides and behind you. Use your mirrors and check blind spots. Maintain an escape route in case of an unexpected event.
  • Be careful at intersections
    Look left, right and left again before entering an intersection. Ensure the path is clear even if you have the right of way.
  • Do not drive with even a small amount of alcohol or drugs in your system
    Even if you are below the legal limit, small amounts of alcohol can still cause poor concentration, slowed reflexes and impaired judgment. Nearly 40 percent of all vehicle crashes involved alcohol, and prescription and over-the-counter medications can have the same effects.
  • Avoid distractions, especially cell phones
    Pull over and stop if you need to make a call or text. For those with iPhones, the iOS 11 update includes a Do Not Disturb feature that detects when you are driving and blocks calls and texts. Creating a cell phone policy for your company can also help prevent distracted driving.
  • Pull over and rest if you are excessively drowsy
    Driving while drowsy is considered approximately as dangerous as driving drunk. Fatigue is thought to be responsible for 100,000 crashes each year.
  • Always wear your seatbelt
    According to the CDC, wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of serious injury from a crash by about half.

There are many things you can’t control on the road – especially conditions and other drivers’ behaviors. By driving defensively, you can avoid accidents even when hazards are present.

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