SFM’s Wisconsin pool business grows steadily

In late 2021, SFM became a servicing carrier for the Wisconsin Worker’s Compensation Insurance Pool and the first year has been busy.

Through the first two quarters of the year, SFM has been writing 60-80 new policies per week, totaling 1,800 policies for $5.3 million in premium. SFM will take on new pool accounts until reaching 20% of the state’s pool policyholders.

In addition to all the new business, the team is simultaneously preparing for the renewal process, which will begin later this year.

We have increased staff to ensure top quality service as we grow in this new market. While the residual market is separate from voluntary business, all Wisconsin pool customers will receive the same care and service.

“Agents who have worked with us in the voluntary market in Wisconsin and are now working with us in the residual market will see no interruption in service and capabilities,” said Rhonda Wills, SFM Assigned Risk Plan Business Manager. “Our response time, customer service and other offerings are consistent with what you have come to know and appreciate about SFM.”

SFM is one of five servicing carriers for the Wisconsin residual market, and currently has a five-year contract with the option for three one-year extensions.

For questions related to the Wisconsin Worker’s Compensation Insurance Pool, please contact us.

You can also learn more on our website at sfmic.com/state-programs.


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