Injured worker portal – easy access to claim information

SFM is committed to helping injured employees get back to work safely and quickly. And that starts with our online Claim Connection portal.

Once an employee has filed a workers’ compensation claim, they receive an email that outlines the information available for them on SFM’s website. This includes:

  • Getting the status of their medical and wage-loss payments
  • Setting up email or text alerts on upcoming payments
  • Looking up their claim number and other details about their claim

It’s SFM’s goal to make it convenient for injured workers to get the information they need at any time.

Remind policyholders to tell injured workers to register for our Claim Connection portal so they can track the progress of their claim.


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SFM underwriter accomplishments

Here’s a look at the latest updates and milestones for SFM’s underwriting staff over the past few months.


  • Gabby Frein, Iowa/Nebraska/Kansas Accounts, promoted to Senior Underwriter
  • Eric Olafson, Underwriting Tech, promoted to Underwriting Tech Specialist
  • Eleisha Fischer, Wisconsin Accounts, promoted to Underwriter
  • Michele Schaeperkoetter, South/Metro Accounts, promoted to Marketing Underwriter Specialist
  • Robbie Anfinsen, North/Metro Accounts, promoted to Marketing Underwriter
  • Jenna Lefebvre, North/Metro Accounts, promoted to Marketing Underwriter Specialist
  • Jason Kelly, Small Business Accounts, promoted to Senior Underwriter


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SFM attending spring 2024 industry events

SFM supports local artists in remodeled office space

SFM supports local artists in remodeled office space
“Joining Forces,” by Rita Dungey

As SFM looked to put the finishing touches on its newly remodeled office space, the final pieces, so to speak, were art.

But after meeting with a traditional art consultant, it became clear it wasn’t a good fit.

Instead, the group at SFM tasked with selecting the artwork turned to Rita Dungey and Amy Tillotson , members of the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District , which has been hailed as one of the top art districts in the U.S. for several years.

“I think it’s really important for us to be a strong part of the community that we operate in,” said Dave Kaiser, SFM Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. “That’s through charitable giving and working with local businesses, but that also means supporting local artists. That philosophy has been the SFM way forever.”

The creative process

In the fall of 2023, Dungey and Tillotson toured the SFM offices in Bloomington, Minn.

“Their eyes were just bubbling with ideas,” Kaiser said. “They came back with a booklet of art that was just brilliant. There’s no other way to explain it.”

As the process moved along, Dungey and Tillotson began researching and reaching out to artists whose work they thought would make sense in the space.

SFM supports local artists in remodeled office space
“Indigo Morning 2,” by Amy Tillotson

“From the start, our goal was to present a variety of art that was cohesive and not only original, but also contemporary, timeless and suggestive of a positive energy,” said Dungey, who describes her own work as non-representational and abstract mixed media.

Notably, neither Dungey nor Tillotson had prior experience as an art consultant.

“We are artists first, not professional art consultants. But we each possess experience that contributed to the work as a whole. Working together on this project, our roles became clear where each other’s strengths lie,” said Tillotson, who has a background in exhibit design. “Rita has a very good knowledge of artists in our community. She attends local art exhibitions regularly and familiarizes herself with the artist’s work over time. … Her background in psychology and social work lends itself to empathy and seeing things through other people’s point of view.”

The SFM team had only small suggestions for the types of art that would be included, such as different textures and mediums, said Kim Thelen, SFM Information Services Project Manager. Also, SFM wanted original work for the office’s “neighborhoods,” which are named after U.S. National Parks. Original pieces were created to reflect the attributes of Yellowstone, Yosemite, Acadia, etc.

“It was fun for us and for everyone that we took out the traditional middleman of the art consultant,” Thelen said. “Because it let the artists continue to be creative — and the money we paid went to them instead of a consultant. It was such a fun experience.”

The final pieces were installed in March 2024.

Bringing it all together

SFM largely let Dungey and Tillotson drive the process, with the pair offering a few suggestions for each space and the internal company team eventually making selections from there.

SFM supports local artists in remodeled office space
“Flock of Trumpeters,” by Steve Hemingway

Even when SFM was asked for feedback regarding the paintings representing national parks, it was more of a hands-off approach.

“I didn’t want to get involved in that,” Kaiser said. “When they did the custom neighborhood paintings, they reached out to Kim and me to get ideas. And we both said no. We wanted the artist to do what she does. To me, that was the beauty of the process.”

The works include diverse mediums — two-dimensional paintings and sculptural (ceramic, wood, metal and mixed media), in addition to the national park paintings, which were created by Emily Donovan , who has a studio in northeast Minneapolis.

“We were happy to hear that SFM wanted to invest in a body of local, original artwork rather than the framed prints you so often see in an office setting,” Tillotson said. “We wanted to suggest artwork that represented a variety of mediums and styles but would be inviting and further enhance the designer’s choice of a natural color palette in paint color, wood, textiles and living walls.”

Still, as is the case with art. It’s subjective. Kaiser’s favorite piece is “Flock of Trumpeters,” by Steve Hemingway . For Thelen, it’s “Wish,” by Eleanor McGough .

SFM supports local artists in remodeled office space
“Wish,” by Eleanor McGough

“If you have an office full of disagreements about the art, you did your job,” Kaiser said. “It’s in the eye of the beholder, right? That was the point — to express different things. We’ve got metal grates and swans and petals. We have all kinds of stuff. And that’s the cool part.”

Dungey said she enjoyed helping SFM in purchasing art for their new space and collection.

“We are pleased with the excellent selections they made and are grateful for the support, trust and collaboration with everyone at SFM. It is our sincere hope that the art will bring enjoyment to staff and clients for many years to come,” she said.

Connecting through art

In the end, the artists said they appreciated working with SFM on the project.

“Overall, I think the project was a success,” Tillotson said. “We hope the employees of SFM enjoy the artwork that was selected. We understand that art can be highly subjective and hope there is enough variety for everyone’s tastes. Rita and I would not hesitate to work with SFM in the future.”

Added Dungey:

“It was an honor and privilege to work with SFM on procuring and installing art in their newly remodeled space. From start to finish, it was truly a team project, involving collaboration with my project partner Amy Tillotson and the design team of Dave Kaiser, Kim Thelen, Abby Halland, Barb Etzkorn and Paul Johnson, who all contributed to making the entire process flow with ease.”


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Join us for the 2024 SFM Foundation golf events

Mark your calendars — dates are set for the SFM Foundation’s 2024 golf fundraisers.

These annual events are the biggest driver of funds for the foundation, which provides scholarship money for families affected by workplace injuries.

  • The Minnesota event will be held Monday, June 10, at Prestwick Golf Club in Woodbury
  • The Iowa event is set for Monday, May 20, at Hyperion Golf Club in Johnston

To register, visit the SFM Foundation’s website . Space at both events is limited — register early to reserve a spot.

Can’t make it? No problem! Sponsorship opportunities are available, ranging from $750 to $10,000-plus.

“The golf events are the SFM Foundation’s largest fundraisers of the year and it’s great to see all the support from our sponsors come through year after year,” Executive Director Lindsay Henningsgaard said.

SFM Foundation golf fundraisers

The 2023 golf events in Minnesota and Iowa generated $125,000 and $25,000, respectively.

Those contributions helped the SFM Foundation award more than $500,000 in scholarship funds in 2023, with 16 students benefitting. More than 125 scholarship recipients have graduated since the SFM Foundation’s inception in 2008. Scholarships are awarded regardless of the workers’ compensation insurer involved in the claim.

But beyond the financial benefits for scholarship recipients, the golf fundraisers give the students’ families a chance to come together and bond.

“It’s so rewarding to see all the support from the families each year,” Scholarship Director Debra Zorn said. “We value their participation and appreciate the community they have built.”

Lastly, keep an eye out later this year for information about the SFM Foundation’s fall events for 2024.

About the SFM Foundation

Since its inception in 2008, the SFM Foundation has granted 232 scholarships totaling $3.7 million to help students pursue higher education thanks to the generous support from sponsors and donors.

The SFM Foundation provides scholarships for students whose parents were seriously injured or killed while working for Minnesota or Iowa employers. SFM Foundation is an affiliate of Kids’ Chance of America in Iowa and Minnesota and is also known as Kids’ Chance of Iowa. To learn more about the cause, visit .


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Letter from the President: Following a tough act

Terry Miller
President & CEO Terry Miller

Following up your best-ever financial year can be one of the most challenging things a company can do. Coming off the amazing success SFM experienced in 2022, I’m reminded how rare it is for a Super Bowl or World Series champion to repeat that success the following year.

Well, I am proud to say that SFM did back up its historically great year with a very good 2023 despite a bad winter slip and fall season, declining rates in all of our markets and added competition as multi-line carriers look to workers’ compensation for the answer to their continuing property insurance woes.

That last item is where SFM’s partnership with our independent agents really shines. When you choose to keep your accounts with SFM, we recognize that you are resisting the pressure from the multi-line carriers demanding the consolidation of the work comp with their collateral lines. Every time you honor your policyholders’ desire to stay with the work comp experts, it strengthens our mutual relationship. SFM’s policyholder retention rate remains the best in the business, and we recognize the enormous role our independent agency partners play in upholding that standard. On top of that, you have presented us with more new account opportunities than ever. SFM has responded by writing more new business in 2023 than we have ever recorded in a year ($33 million).

Just as SFM has been there for you through the unpredictability of the pandemic and oddities of the post-pandemic economy, we will be there for you and your policyholders in the years to come.

Since we only write workers’ compensation insurance, our success depends on doing it exceptionally well. We are proud to deliver on that commitment, and we count on our agency partners to help us get it done right. We’re grateful to the agents and policyholders who let us know in survey after survey that our unwavering devotion to service excellence has benefited them.

Key takeaways and highlights from 2023:

  • Continued 96%+ policyholder retention rate
  • Record new business
  • Audits and endorsements tracking ahead of projections
  • Impact from medical inflation continues to be mild
  • Paid losses better than expected, enabling reserve releases
  • Policyholder surplus growth larger than premium growth
  • Combined ratio on track for a 13th year in a row below 100%

Financial results are an important measure of performance, but we never lose sight of the fact that our success comes as a result of doing right by our all of customers. At SFM, we get there by living our mission every day, and we’re proud to partner with independent agents who believe in it.

“Inspiring safer workplaces
by protecting workers from harm
and helping the injured recover.”

Thank you for your continued support and partnership! We look forward to sharing success with you and your clients for many years to come.


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SFM continues growth outside of Minnesota

SFM’s expansion to new states in recent years is paying off, as the company’s share of premium outside of Minnesota continues to grow.

While SFM is still the No. 1 workers’ comp carrier in Minnesota, and the state’s largest writer of workers’ comp since 1991, its ratio of premium and policy counts between its home state and others is shrinking. And that’s a good thing — SFM is diversifying and expanding its footprint in the realm of workers’ compensation insurance.

As of late 2023, that figure (Minnesota compared to other states) is about 60/40.

“We’re extremely proud to have maintained our status as Minnesota’s leading work comp insurer,” said Cody Allen, Business Development Specialist. “But to see our foothold in new states grow over the past few years has been remarkable. It’s a testament to our commitment to be the work comp experts and provide the best possible outcomes for agents, policyholders and employees.”

SFM expansion update

By way of background, several years ago SFM started expanding into a few states near its Minnesota headquarters:

  • Wisconsin – 2003
  • Iowa – 2009
  • Nebraska – 2009
  • South Dakota – 2007

In recent years, the company has moved into Kansas, Indiana and Tennessee.

As well as being the top workers’ comp carrier in Minnesota, SFM’s market share position in that first batch of states is:

  • Wisconsin – 15th
  • Iowa – 7th
  • Nebraska – 9th
  • South Dakota – 4th

The statistics come from SNL Financial, a data analytics firm within the S&P Global organization, which issues an annual insurance industry study that compares market share and ranks carriers within each state of operation.

Meanwhile, SFM policyholders are increasing in Kansas, Indiana and Tennessee. Partnering with local groups in each state, it’s anticipated that SFM will capture additional market share in these states in the coming years.

“What this really demonstrates is the value agents and policyholders see in SFM and its focus on customer service,” said Shawn Miner, VP of Regional Business. “We only do work comp and we do it well.”

Take Kansas, for example. SFM entered the state in 2020 and agency partners have helped the company write nearly 700 policies for $2.7 million in-force premium, along with hiring additional expertise within the state of Kansas.

The feedback from agency partners in Kansas about SFM’s service model and ease of doing business has been overwhelmingly positive, with several agencies saying SFM is their go-to work comp carrier and requesting SFM write some of their larger accounts.

“We are excited to provide this increased appetite to our partners so that they can offer our top-notch services to more Kansas employers,” Miner said.

SFM is always cognizant of agent feedback when it comes to its expansion efforts and will continue to listen to its business partners moving forward.

That ongoing dialogue has contributed to the growth at SFM. Long-standing partners know that SFM believes in steady, measured growth, which brings value to both established partners and newly appointed agents.

“We continue to be viewed as a leader in the work comp industry,” said Steve Sandilla, Senior VP and Chief Business Officer. “While SFM has long been a leader in the Midwest, the success of this latest round of expansion is a sign that we will continue to garner more market share in the years to come.”

SFM is now licensed in 34 states. You can view a complete state coverage list on the account types and territory page of the SFM website.


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Remind policyholders: winter safety must continue

It’s that time of year again…

With winter in full swing — and the upcoming thawing and refreezing cycles in the months ahead — workplace safety should be paramount.

Be sure to remind your policyholders that just because spring is on the horizon, it doesn’t mean they can be any less vigilant about workplace safety.

Slips, trips and falls – the bottom line

Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of workplace injury. They can be severe, leading to fractures, head trauma or worse.

The costs of covering these claims gets expensive. Not only can it negatively influence the employer’s experience modification factor, but it also impacts agency and carrier results. SFM estimates the average winter slip-and-fall lost-time claim to be between $40,000 and $45,000.

Weather is a major factor in workers’ compensation. Slipping and falling because of snow and ice is one of the most common workplace injuries.

Resources for policyholders

With a few reminders and some common sense, policyholders can help employees stay safe and reduce the potential for claims.

A few basic tips for you to pass along include:

  • Properly maintain your parking lot and walking areas
  • Encourage employees to wear appropriate shoes for the weather
  • In the case of a snowstorm, let employees work from home or reschedule if possible
  • Manage snow piles near walkways to avoid melting snow refreezing to ice

Policyholders should educate their employees about other winter safety measures, such as walking like a penguin, salting slippery areas, avoiding shortcuts, and stepping down, not out, of vehicles.

If you are looking for additional resources to help in these efforts, check out what’s available on our website or contact your underwriter.


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Webinar recordings: foundations of hiring and onboarding, more educational videos

SFM recently hosted another educational webinar for our policyholders and agents. Titled “The Foundations of Hiring and Onboarding,” it’s still available for you to view.

In the webinar we discussed how establishing best practices for hiring and training new employees can help businesses and their workers succeed in the long run.

Head to to watch the webinar recording, and to view previous webinars and quick excerpts on work comp topics including loss prevention basics, winter slips and falls prevention, best practices for injury reporting and return to work, a breakdown of work comp benefits, avoiding litigation, and much more.


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Featured resources for agents and policyholders

SFM’s online resource catalog offers a wide range of educational items designed to help policyholders prevent injuries, manage their claim activity and learn more about workers’ compensation. Also included are materials to help agents market their accounts with SFM.


Featured resources for agents

Make SFM your workers' comp insurer. It's the right choice.

Did You Know: Other states coverage

A handout that explains how each state has its own workers’ compensation requirements, which can apply to anyone who works, lives, travels or is hired in that state, as well as some of the factors that go into determining whether employers have the proper coverage.

The right choice for trucking marketing sheet (for agents)

The right choice for trucking operations

SFM is now a market for your trucking customers — this resource highlights details about insuring trucking businesses.

Visit the agent marketing materials page for more resources like these.


Featured resources for employers

Claim packet - What to do if someone is injured at work

Fact sheet: Injuries caused by winter slips and falls

Based on independent research and SFM’s claims data, winter slips and falls put workers at a high risk of injury. This resource highlights specific steps that employers and employees can take to reduce the chances of injury.

Experience modification factor CompTalk

Penguin series – No short cuts email attachment

Part of the slips and falls series, this resource generates awareness of slips and falls hazards and promotes safe processes. It also encourages employees to pick the safe route and not take shortcuts.

Safety Orientation Success Guide

Penguin series: Avoid winter falls packet

This packet includes all the tools you need to prevent winter slips and falls. It features tools for supervisors, a campaign activity sample, traction footwear information, training tools and penguin posters, table tents and more.


Encourage your policyholders to download these resources from SFM’s online resource catalog and visit the site often for the latest materials.


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