Health care worker safety closely tied to patient safety

The number of patient injuries in Minnesota hospitals due to falls continues to rise, according to a report from the Minnesota Department of Health.

Patient falls were the second most common event in the 2017 adverse health events report . Minnesota state law requires hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers to report adverse health events in 29 categories.

While pressure ulcers were the most common event, falls resulted in the most injuries and patient deaths. From October 2016 to October 2017, Minnesota hospitals reported 82 falls, with 77 resulting in serious injury and 5 in patient death.

In health care, patient and caregiver safety go hand-in-hand. When a patient falls, the natural reaction for a caregiver is to try to catch or hold them up. This can result in further injury to both the patient and the caregiver. Lifting and transferring patients, or trying to catch them as they fall, are common sources of strain and sprain injuries.

Based on independent research and SFM’s claims data, moving patients manually puts health care workers at risk for severe injuries.

Participate in Patient Safety Awareness Week

Plan ahead for the annual Patient Safety Awareness Week

During the week, health care professionals and consumers can take a pledge to help reduce harm in health care and join the initiative to help raise awareness.

Stay informed on health care worker safety and how health care professionals can impact patient and worker safety on the Institute for Health care Improvement’s website .

Use safety products to promote health care worker safety

Having the right lifting aids and transfer devices available for health care workers to use and making sure they are properly trained in using them can go a long way in preventing injuries in health care settings. Sometimes it can be hard to know what options are available and which ones have the best track record.

For that reason, we put together a list of vendors and safety products we recommend for proper safe patient handling.

SFM’s health care safety resources

To support injury prevention for both health care workers and their patients, SFM offers specialized safe patient handling resources. Topics covered include repositioning patients, assisting with bathing, patient falls and lifting injuries in health care. Here are some of our most popular resources for health care:

See the full list of SFM’s resources for health care in the “Safety” section of our website.



Wisconsin law makes workers’ compensation ‘exclusive remedy’ for temp worker injuries

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed a bill into law on February 28 that prevents temporary employees who sustain work injuries from suing their employers, rather than going through workers’ compensation.

The workers’ compensation system has traditionally been considered the “exclusive remedy” to cover medical expenses and lost wages due to work injuries; however, a recent court ruling in Wisconsin called that into question.

A January 9 Wisconsin Court of Appeals decision  stated that the estate of a temporary employee who was fatally injured on the job could sue the temporary employer, since the estate had not made a workers’ compensation claim.

The new law, Act 139 , overturns this decision going forward, according to Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce.

Hand and power tool safety

Working with hand and power tools may not seem like a dangerous job, but without proper care, tools can cause serious injury. Most injuries result from misuse and improper maintenance. To prevent injuries, follow these tips for hand and power tool safety:

  • Make sure you’re using the right tool for the job
    Only use tools for the job for which they’re intended. Using the incorrect tool could result in injury for yourself or other employees or damage the tool, making it unsafe for future use. When using power tools, familiarize yourself with the manufacturer recommended use, maintenance and storage information. Only use tools you’re trained and qualified to use.
  • Inspect all tools prior to use
    Inspect your tools routinely and keep them in good repair. For hand tools, inspect for signs of damage, such as splinters, cracks, mushroomed heads or missing or ill-fitting handles. For power tools, check for proper guarding and look for defects such as missing ground pins, frayed cords or broken pieces. Make sure all controls and functions are working properly. Defective tools should be immediately removed from service, repaired or discarded.
  • Eliminate potential hazards
    Secure the work piece prior to beginning your work. Make sure your work surface matches with the tool you’re using. Keep body parts out of the line of work and direction of force. Before using electrical motor driven power tools, check your surrounding area for flammable or combustible vapors. Turn off and unplug or remove batteries before adjusting, oiling, cleaning, repairing, attaching or changing an accessory or during tool changes. Make sure cords and hoses are out of the way prior to use.
  • Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment
    Match your PPE with the job, taking note of potential for flying particles, dust or noise created by a power tool. Wear close-fitting clothes, tie back any loose hair and remove jewelry.
  • Properly clean and store tools after use
    Clean the tool after use if oily or soiled, using proper cleaning methods. Put it back where it belongs when you finish, being sure to store and transport in a manner to keep clean and free from damage from impact, moisture and other risks. Storing tools in the correct place helps prevent other workers from using improper tools.

Related resources

Safety tips to protect warehouse workers

When working in a warehouse, there are many potential hazards that could cause injury. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the rate of fatal injuries in the warehousing industry is higher than the national average for all other industries.

Best practices for warehouse workers

Following safety guidelines is essential to cutting down on risks to warehouse workers. Here are some recommended best practices for your employees:

  • Training and certification is required to use material handling equipment
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Watch out for hazards such as moving vehicles or unstable materials.
  • Pedestrians should only walk in designated areas and walkways
  • Make eye contact with equipment operators. Don’t assume they can see you.
  • Don’t climb on pallet racks
  • Use the proper method for lifting, pushing and pulling. Lift from a “Position of Power” by focusing your eyes straight ahead, staggering your feet and keeping your chest, knees and toes aligned. Hold the load close and remember “Nose Follows Toes” to avoid twisting.
  • Maintain good housekeeping. Keep aisles and exits clear.
  • Don’t carry items up and down ladders to place in shelving

Make sure your employees are aware of safety standards and expectations. Use job hazard recognition to identify potential risks before they become an issue. By taking a proactive approach to safety, you can eliminate hazards and teach your employees how to stay out of danger.


Check the resource catalog for more safety materials.

Tips for building a healthier workplace

Is there chatter around your office about weight loss goals and couch-to-5k training programs?

The new year brings a renewed focus on health and wellness for many of us — probably including your employees. Does your workplace reinforce or counteract your employees’ desire for a healthy lifestyle?

A healthier workplace can motivate employees to make healthier choices for themselves — at work and at home. Workplace wellness efforts can also play a part in reducing chronic disease and injury risks.

Employees who are less fit are more likely to take sick days, develop chronic health issues and get hurt on the job and off. Smoking and obesity can compound health issues, delaying recovery and making workers’ comp claims more expensive.

Offering workplace wellness activities could be the extra motivation an employee needs to get moving.

Wellness programs can reduce costs associated with employer-sponsored health plans, workers’ compensation claims, short- and long-term disability and absenteeism, studies show.

No matter your business size, investing in a workplace wellness program can be extremely valuable. Studies show that well-designed wellness programs have a return on investment of $1.50 to $3 per dollar spent.

Get started on your workplace wellness program

If you’ve been thinking about offering a wellness program, but don’t know where to begin, one tips is to start small.

Encourage employees to take walking and stretching breaks. Bring in an instructor for an office yoga session. Replace the Monday morning doughnuts with fruit. Offer flu shots.

Wellness programs can cover a wide range of issues that affect your employees’ overall well-being. In a survey of SFM policyholders, respondents who already have wellness programs said they address some or all of the following topics:

  • Stress reduction
  • Physical fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Weight management
  • Mental health
  • Smoking cessation
  • Financial wellness

Tailor the wellness offerings to your workplace. Ask your employees for their ideas. As you try new wellness efforts, you’ll learn what works for your employees.

Integrate safety and wellness

Think about encouraging employee health together with safety.

The concept of Total Worker Health, developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), can be your guide. Total Worker Health integrates safety and health programs, with an emphasis on a hazard-free work environment to protect from injuries and illnesses and promote overall worker well-being.

To incorporate Total Worker Health into your workplace, look for opportunities to dovetail wellness programs with your loss prevention efforts. An initiative like SFM’s “get up and move” stretching program can introduce employees to the benefits of frequently moving throughout the day — benefits like reduced frequency and severity of injuries, increased productivity and higher energy.

Promote a culture of health

Research has found that the most successful workplace wellness programs promote a culture of health that permeates all aspects of company life. Showing that you care about and value employee health, safety and well-being will help embed wellness as a way of life.

The Workplace Health Resource Center provided by the CDC offers a searchable database of resources to begin or build on a wellness program. Check with your health insurance provider or employee assistance program on their offerings. Find more wellness articles on SFM’s blog.

Offering workplace wellness activities could be the extra motivation an employee needs to get moving — and keep going after the New Year’s resolution mania fades.

Eight tips for defensive driving

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 30,000 people in the United States die every year from motor vehicle accidents. The National Safety Council reported that crashes were responsible for 200,000 on-the-job injuries in 2015. Defensive driving helps avoid and prevent accidents, even in unsafe conditions. Here are eight tips to keep safer on the roads:

  • Drive at a safe speed for conditions
    Go slower than posted limits in snow or rain. Some tips for driving in winter weather include allowing yourself more time to travel and watching for black ice.
  • Maintain enough space between the vehicle in front of you
    It’s recommended to keep 2-4 seconds of space between you and the vehicle in front of you. If the conditions are slippery or if you are driving a commercial vehicle, increase the amount of space.
  • Be aware of your surroundings
    Get the big picture – occasionally glance 2-3 vehicles ahead of you, to your sides and behind you. Use your mirrors and check blind spots. Maintain an escape route in case of an unexpected event.
  • Be careful at intersections
    Look left, right and left again before entering an intersection. Ensure the path is clear even if you have the right of way.
  • Do not drive with even a small amount of alcohol or drugs in your system
    Even if you are below the legal limit, small amounts of alcohol can still cause poor concentration, slowed reflexes and impaired judgment. Nearly 40 percent of all vehicle crashes involved alcohol, and prescription and over-the-counter medications can have the same effects.
  • Avoid distractions, especially cell phones
    Pull over and stop if you need to make a call or text. For those with iPhones, the iOS 11 update includes a Do Not Disturb feature that detects when you are driving and blocks calls and texts. Creating a cell phone policy for your company can also help prevent distracted driving.
  • Pull over and rest if you are excessively drowsy
    Driving while drowsy is considered approximately as dangerous as driving drunk. Fatigue is thought to be responsible for 100,000 crashes each year.
  • Always wear your seatbelt
    According to the CDC, wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of serious injury from a crash by about half.

There are many things you can’t control on the road – especially conditions and other drivers’ behaviors. By driving defensively, you can avoid accidents even when hazards are present.

Related resources

Workplace safety and claims resources for employees with limited English proficiency

Do you have employees who aren’t fluent in the English language, or are more comfortable with another language?

SFM offers a number of resources to help keep these employees safe and assist if they are injured, including:

  • Claims process explanation
    SFM offers a Spanish version of its video for injured workers . The video provides a simple explanation of the claim process so that injured employees know what to expect.
  • Injury reporting
    The SFM Work Injury Hotline offers interpreters for more than 200 languages.
  • Claims questions
    For Spanish-speaking injured employees who need to ask questions about their claims, SFM offers a Spanish-language message line. They can call (800) 922-5246 and leave a message with their name, telephone number, employer’s name and question to receive a call back with an answer in Spanish. Claims representatives also have the ability to speak to injured workers in numerous languages using a live translation service.
  • Posters and forms
    We offer Spanish-language versions of important workplace posters and forms in the resource catalog. Just search for the term “Spanish” to see everything available.
  • Safety handouts
    A number of our 5-Minute Solution safety talks have been translated into Spanish, on topics such as electrical power tools , excavation and trenching and slips, trips and falls .
  • Safety videos
    Our most popular safety videos are also available in Spanish. They cover topics such as preventing winter slips and falls, lifting properly and avoiding falls in kitchen environments. See our Spanish language video playlist on YouTube to see what’s available.

We are continuing to add resources in other languages. If you have a need, please let us know by filling out our contact form.

Three apps to make your workplace safer

By Lee Wendel, CIA, CSP, CSPHA
SFM loss prevention technical leader


Would it surprise you to learn that the smartphone you use every day has the potential to help keep you and your employees safer?

Recent studies show that more than 75 percent of U.S. adults carry smartphones, and that number is getting higher every day. Today’s mobile devices are as powerful as they are ubiquitous, and mobile app developers are now harnessing that capacity to help users work and live more safely.

The idea of using a phone to make your life easier has already gained wide acceptance, but the idea of extending that to safety is still new for most people. The reality is that some commonly used apps are already helping users avoid danger, whether they realize it or not. One example comes from one of the phone’s most common tools, the weather information app. Properly configured, these apps can give you warnings in advance of dangerous conditions without even asking (via push notifications).

In addition to the more mainstream apps, we’ve begun to see a new breed of specialized releases that are designed to encourage safer practices. In the interest of making the world a safer place, the following apps are available free of charge to both Android and iPhone users.

Identifying heat-related risks

This summer, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention teamed up to release a new app called the OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool .

This app uses your location to determine the risk of working outside both at the current time and hourly for the remainder of the day. The app also offers advice about how to avoid and treat heat stroke/heat exhaustion. Supervisors have found this to be a great tool to help keep workers out of harm’s way in hot conditions.

Demystifying ladder safety

Another helpful app from the CDC’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health focuses on a frequently mis­under­stood source of danger — ladders.

The NIOSH ladder safety app gives users a way to understand and address some of the main root causes of ladder injuries/fatalities. Key features include:

  • Level and angle meter — extension ladders need to be positioned at an angle of approximately 75 degrees, or one foot out for every 4 feet of rise. The app lets users measure this angle by holding the phone up to the ladder.
  • Ladder selection guide — the type and height of work drives the type of ladder. The proper ladder can help prevent electrocution, for example.
  • Ladder inspection guide — proper inspections differ by ladder type,
    and must address specific elements essential to safe use.

Encouraging better ergonomics

One more tool that recently came to our attention is the “Office Ergonomics” app from EWI Works International.

This interactive guide facilitates a step-by-step ergonomic review of an office workstation. The app walks users through a decision tree that encourages them to address issues that can result in injuries over time.

While a self-service approach like this may not replace a professional workstation review, it’s a good way to highlight challenges before they become problematic.

As the number of mobile safety apps continues to grow, we encourage you to embrace your mobile device as a tool to make work a safer place.

Learn more

You can find out more about these safety topics in other Simply Work Comp posts:

Risks of multitasking

What are you doing right now — besides reading this, of course? Are you also scanning your email? Is the radio or TV on in the background? Are you in a meeting?

Multitasking has infiltrated our work and home lives. It’s so common to check our mobile phones (about 80 times a day on average) that we don’t even realize we’re multitasking anymore.

Juggling multiple projects at once used to be something to strive for at work — a sign of a high achiever. But the research is clear — multitasking doesn’t save time.

Multitasking’s negative side-effects

In study after study, researchers have found that a multitasking worker is more likely to:

  • Make mistakes
  • Experience higher stress
  • Remember fewer details
  • Experience a drop in IQ
  • React more slowly

As Cal Newport, author of the book Deep Work, put it, “Human brains weren’t built to multitask.”

The reason why is that multitasking is a misnomer — a more accurate description is task-switching.

People trying to do two things at once are actually switching back and forth. And each time they switch, there’s a cost in time and cognitive load. It’s akin to constant interruption. The result: projects take longer to complete and they’re not done as well.

Safety risks of multitasking

Do you still think task-switching is more productive? What if you knew that it was also more hazardous?

Distracted driving

Distracted driving is simply another form of multitasking poorly, but while behind the wheel and with potentially dangerous consequences.

In a National Safety Council survey, 54 percent of respondents said work would motivate them to do a distracting activity while driving such as making a phone call, searching for a location using a GPS system or reviewing and sending emails.

Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of work-related deaths in the U.S. The risk of a crash or near crash is 17 percent higher when the driver is interacting with a cell phone, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. The National Safety Council has reported that drivers using a cell phone had slower reaction times than drivers with a .08 blood alcohol content.

That’s why SFM’s sample cell phone policy includes a zero tolerance position regarding using a cell phone or hands-free device while driving.

Distracted walking

Distracted walking poses another danger.

Pedestrian deaths have increased in recent years, reaching a 25-year high in Minnesota last year with 60 fatalities, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. In a study where people texted while crossing a busy street, the texters were less likely to stay inside the crosswalk or look before they crossed. They spent on average two seconds longer in the street than non-texters.

Distracted walking can take place anywhere, not just on sidewalks and streets. Consider employees preoccupied by phones while walking around the manufacturing floor, down the stairs or in parking lots. What kind of situations might they find themselves in — or falling into — while they’re unaware of their surroundings?

How to reduce distractions

Some straightforward solutions can reduce distraction and the resulting injuries in any work environment: Focus on one thing at a time. Practice being present in the moment. Put down the phone.

To cut back on email and mobile phone distractions, start by turning off notifications. Try keeping your phone in your bag or another room. Some mobile apps exist solely to block other apps from interrupting.

The sign of a successful person is no longer multitasking — it’s single-tasking, focusing on one thing at a time. Eliminating distractions will help you get more done with less stress and more awareness of your surroundings and safety risks.

Are injuries at a work holiday party compensable?

The approach of the holiday season means it’s time for baking, decorating the house and visits from family. It also means that many workplaces host holiday parties. But what happens when an employee at a work party is injured? In some cases, the injury may be compensable through workers’ compensation.

According to Minnesota law, injuries that occur during voluntary work events are typically not compensable. Statute 176.021.subd.9 states:

Injuries incurred while participating in voluntary recreational programs sponsored by the employer, including health promotion programs, athletic events, parties, and picnics, do not arise out of and in the course of employment even though the employer pays some or all of the cost of the program. This exclusion does not apply in the event that the injured employee was ordered or assigned by the employer to participate in the program.

Exceptions to the rule

Although in most cases the injury would not be compensable, there are some exceptions. The statute applies only if the event is completely voluntary, there is no punishment for not attending and the event does not benefit the employer.

An injury could potentially be compensable under one of these circumstances:

  • The event was optional, but those who didn’t attend had to remain at work
  • There was coercion to attend the event
  • The event was promotional or marketable in a way that benefited the employer
  • Employees at the event were working, even if it was optional
  • Clients are present and employees are furthering the employer’s business
  • Although there is no requirement, there are expectations that everyone attends, with potential consequences for those who do not
  • Employees who attended the event were paid or rewarded for doing so

If a work party is taking place on work premises, injuries are more likely to be compensable than those that happen at other locations.

Even for a fun event like a holiday party, don’t let down your guard about safety hazards to your employees. It would be unfortunate if something intended to be enjoyable ended in someone getting hurt.

This is not intended to serve as legal advice for individual fact-specific legal cases or as a legal basis for your employment practices.
