SFM Foundation awards 16 new scholarships, holds 2023 golf fundraisers

Fifteen years after the SFM Foundation began their mission to help make college affordable for students affected by work injuries, they’ve granted 232 scholarships totaling $3.7 million.

This includes $502,000 awarded to 16 new recipients announced in May. Six of these students are from Iowa and 10 are from Minnesota.

Over 125 scholarship recipients have graduated since the SFM Foundation’s inception in 2008, and there are currently 72 active scholarships. Scholarships are awarded regardless of the workers’ compensation insurer involved in the claim.

Thanks to the generous support of event sponsors and donors, the Foundation has been able to reach these families in need for a decade and a half.

The Foundation’s golf fundraisers are the primary source of fundraising for their scholarship fund, and 2023 was no exception. The Minnesota golf event has become one of the largest charity golf tournaments in the state. This year’s event on June 12 raised an astounding $125,000 for the scholarship program. The Iowa golf outing is a newer event and continues to grow each year. This year’s event on May 22 raised $45,000 for scholarships.

Mark your calendar for the Foundation’s annual fall fundraising online auction and in-person event  in early November.

The Foundation is always on the lookout for eligible scholarship candidates. If you know of a family who would qualify for an SFM Foundation scholarship, please direct them to sfmfoundation.com/apply .

About the SFM Foundation

The SFM Foundation provides scholarships for students whose parents were seriously injured or killed while working for Minnesota or Iowa employers. SFM Foundation is an affiliate of Kids’ Chance of America  in Iowa and Minnesota and is also known as Kids’ Chance of Iowa. To learn more about the cause, visit sfmfoundation.com .


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Benefits of a strong return-to-work program

Bringing injured employees back to work as soon as their doctor allows it is not only the right thing to do, it’s also the smart thing to do.

A strong return-to-work program benefits your employees and your organization. Employees typically benefit from faster recovery, feeling productive, maintaining their routine, and keeping their relationships with coworkers. Employers benefit from reducing the risk of litigation and controlling future workers’ compensation premium increases.

Even when injured employees can’t return to their regular jobs right away, you can bring them back to work as soon as possible by providing modified-duty tasks or reduced hours.

Waiting periods: Your window of opportunity

Workers’ compensation claims that do not result in wage-replacement benefits (called medical-only claims) have less impact on your future premium than lost-time claims.

Whenever possible, you can help claims remain medical-only by bringing employees back to work within your state’s waiting period.

The waiting periods are:

  • Three days in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin
  • Seven days in Nebraska, Kansas and South Dakota

To accomplish this, you may have to move quickly. It pays to be prepared.

How to establish a return-to-work program

If you don’t have a return-to-work program already, follow these four steps to start one:

1. Draft your policy.
Formally state that your company intends to bring injured employees back to work as soon as they’re medically able and will provide adaptations or light-duty work when needed. For guidance, see our sample return-to-work program.

2. Appoint a claims coordinator.
This is an individual tasked with overseeing workers’ compensation claims and return to work. Have this person develop a plan for reporting injuries and communicate it to supervisors and employees. For more details, see our CompTalk on claims coordinator duties.

3. Select a primary care clinic.
Establish a good working relationship with a local clinic where the physicians understand occupational medicine and return-to-work. If possible, meet with doctors at your preferred clinic to give them an overview of your organization and tell them you are committed to returning employees to work as soon as they are medically able. Suggest that your employees go there if they’re injured. Note that in most states, employees have the right to choose where to have their injuries treated.

4. Identify transitional jobs.
Light-duty or modified-duty jobs provide opportunities for your employees to return to work even when medical restrictions prevent them from doing their regular jobs. Put together a list of light duty jobs in advance so that you’re ready when an injury occurs. To come up with ideas, ask your managers, “What would you do if you had an extra pair of hands?” You can also find lists of light-duty job ideas broken down by industry.

How to learn more

Check out our sample return-to-work program, more details on establishing a relationship with a medical provider, and more information on how return-to-work impacts future workers’ compensation premiums.

AM Best reaffirms SFM’s Financial Strength Rating of A- (Excellent)

SFM Mutual Insurance Co. announced that its Financial Strength Rating of “A- (Excellent)” and Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of “a-” have been reaffirmed by AM Best Rating Services, Inc.

This announcement comes as a result of AM Best’s thorough analysis of SFM’s balance sheet strength, in addition to its operating performance, business profile, innovation and enterprise risk management. Prior to publicly disclosing this affirmation, AM Best conducted a detailed review of SFM’s finances and operations.

“In our annual review with AM Best, we were pleased to demonstrate how our commitment to service delivers excellent results,” said SFM President and CEO Terry Miller. “We consider their assessment to be an important indicator of SFM’s long-term financial strength and stability.”

About AM Best
AM Best is a global credit rating agency, news publisher and data analytics provider specializing in the insurance industry. Headquartered in the United States, the company does business in over 100 countries with regional offices in New York, London, Amsterdam, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Mexico City. For more information, visit ambest.com .


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2022 results: Consistent focus on customer service drives historic performance

SFM soared to new heights in 2022, and the company’s remarkable financial results are only part of the story. We continue hearing from our agents and policyholders that we’re delivering on our commitment to provide excellent customer service.

“With results this positive, it’s tempting to look back and talk about what a great year we’ve had,” said SFM Senior Vice President Steve Sandilla, “but we remain focused on delivering the highest level of service to our partners.”

Total Premium by Industry chart

In addition to the valuable feedback that SFM representatives receive directly from agents,

policyholders and injured workers, we also gain insights from survey data.

In a survey of agents conducted last August, more than 93% of respondents answered that they find it “easy” or “very easy” to work with SFM. The rating of “very easy” was the most common choice, coming in from nearly 60% of responding agents.

In November, SFM sought input from policyholders whose annual premium falls above $10,000. As with the agents, these customers were asked to rate how easy it is to do business with SFM. This time around, 91.5% of respondents said either “easy” or “very easy.” In fact, 62% of policyholders chose “very easy,” up from 57% the year before.

“We interpret these results as an important vote of confidence in SFM’s service-first approach,” Sandilla said. “We lead with the needs of our customers, knowing that positive results will naturally follow.”

Here are a few operational highlights from 2022:

  • SFM’s industry leading customer retention rate has long been a testament to strong relationships with partners. In 2022, SFM saw a new high-water mark, with a policyholder retention rate of 96.8%.
  • SFM brought in 6,600 policyholders, adding more than $28 million in new premium.
  • Total written premium for the year came in at approximately $250 million.
  • SFM’s combined ratio came in under 100% for the 11th year in a row.
  • The SFM Foundation announced 13 new scholarships for students whose parents were seriously injured or killed on the job. This brings the historical total to 216 scholarships, representing $3.2 million in funding.

SFM’s book of business has grown to over 30,000 policyholders, covering approximately 500,000 workers across a wide spectrum of workplaces. As a servicing carrier for the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Assigned Risk Plan, SFM’s Superior Point division adds approximately 15,000 policyholders. SFM was also selected to serve up to 20% of the Wisconsin Worker’s Compensation Insurance Pool, accounting for 3,300 employers in that plan in 2022. In addition, SFM Risk Solutions provided third-party-administration service to 36 self-insured clients in 2022, including two large groups with over 1,600 individual member organizations.

SFM continues to grow its territory of operation, now stretching well beyond its original home in the upper Midwest. Having recently added Kansas and Indiana to its list of core states, the company is now in the process of appointing agents in Tennessee.

According to Sandilla, SFM’s independent agency partners are integral in the successes described above. SFM’s approach is to grow lasting relationships with both agents and policyholders that result in long-term mutual prosperity.

“Agents who bring their accounts to SFM can do so with confidence that their clients will receive the best customer service in the business,” Sandilla said. “Our top measure of success is and always has been delivering customer service that’s second to none.”


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Benefits of breaking out workers’ compensation from other lines of insurance

As an agent, you can rest easy when your customers choose SFM. Our focus on workers’ compensation insurance helps us provide the highest level of service and expertise when your clients need it most.

When you’re helping clients understand their options for workers’ compensation coverage, here are a few points you can share about the advantages of going monoline and choosing SFM:

  • Service
    First and foremost, SFM’s experienced and dedicated professionals are known for responsive and reliable customer service.
  • Claims expertise
    Our experienced claim representatives are skilled in helping injured workers get the best possible treatment outcomes and return-to-work results. With access to in-house doctors, nurses and attorneys, and a team-based approach, they have the resources to skillfully handle even the most challenging claims.
  • Easy injury reporting
    Easily report work injuries 24/7 by phone or online. Injured workers who want immediate healthcare advice can speak with a registered nurse when they report by phone.
  • Claim cost containment
    Provider networks and in-house medical bill review staff help keep claim costs under control, which helps limit premium increases. In-house fraud and subrogation specialists also produce recoveries for policyholders.
  • Loss prevention
    Our loss prevention staff and online resources help policyholders prevent injuries over time, keeping premiums in check.
  • Online resources
    Digital solutions make it easy for customers to access claim information, pay bills, and more.
  • Separation from package
    Having a separate carrier for workers’ compensation prevents losses from affecting the package coverage underwriting, and vice versa.

Keeping customers satisfied

SFM provides unrivaled service and expertise that’s trusted by thousands of employers, and our industry-leading retention rate of over 96% speaks for itself. For more information on the benefits we have to offer your customers, contact your SFM underwriter.


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Resource helps employers keep their newest employees safe

SFM’s new Safety Orientation Success Guide helps employers protect a group at high risk for work injuries: new employees.

According to SFM claim data, employees are at higher risk for injuries during their first six months on the job. Policyholders often tell us that training new employees to prevent injuries is challenging.

To provide additional resources for employers, the loss prevention team developed a step-by-step guide for policyholders.

A valuable tool to educate and help reduce job injuries

The Safety Orientation Success Guide offers valuable information that can be used in many industries. Here is a sample of what’s included:

  • Actions employers can take to lower new employee injury risk
  • Guidance about return on investment (ROI) of training
  • Assessing hazards
  • Training methods
  • Lifecycle of training – including initial general safety, job-specific safety, and ongoing training
  • Safety Training Checklist

SFM also has a library of helpful safety resources to use for training in multiple industries, and many of the industry-specific resources can be found in one place on the employee safety orientation page of sfmic.com.

Partners in safety

The Safety Orientation Success Guide is the second in a series of resources (see also the Safety Committee Success Guide) designed by SFM’s loss prevention team to help policyholders make their workplaces safer.


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SFM state expansion initiative hits new milestones

We’re coming up on three years since we entered the state of Kansas in September 2020. Over that time, our agency partners there have helped us write more than 500 policies for nearly $2 million in written premium. In reaction to this success, SFM is actively expanding our Kansas team.

“We are happy to bring new talent to the team in response to our growth in Kansas,” said Shawn Miner, SFM VP of Regional Business. “We pride ourselves on our unbeatable service, and we’re pleased to be able to provide it to more policyholders than ever there.”

In late 2022, we answered agents’ requests to write more business with us in Kansas by expanding our appetite to policies over $25,000 in premium. Shortly after, our team attended the 2023 KAIA Annual Convention where we once again received excellent feedback from agents about our ease of doing business and quick response times from our underwriters. Agent feedback is valuable to us as we continue to expand our services.

One year in Indiana

SFM exceeded our first-year goal on policies, premium and agency appointments in Indiana, and our forecast remains high for growth in the state in 2023.

Becoming a member of the Big I Indiana and PIA of Indiana, and attending both conventions over the past year, has allowed our team to network with agencies around the state. We’ve built some great relationships, and again, our Indiana team has heard from agents that they’re impressed with our broad appetite, easy online quoting, and quick turnaround times. These positive interactions have us eager to see what 2023 brings for SFM in the state.

Open for business in Tennessee

SFM has opened our doors for business in Tennessee. We set our sights on the state in 2022 and have begun appointing new agencies in 2023.

A recently established agency partnership in Tennessee is drawing interest to SFM in our newest state, and we look forward to making more connections around the state and meeting agents through our involvement in the “Big I” Insurors of Tennessee.

SFM is now licensed in 34 states. You can view a complete state coverage list on the account types and territory page of the SFM website.

“The expansion has been a fun initiative for SFM, as our teams enjoy getting to experience new states and learning how agency partners do business in these territories,” said Cody Allen, SFM Business Development Specialist. “The agencies we’ve connected with in recent years have really delivered for us and we appreciate the partnerships.”


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Audit noncompliance can lead to cancellation of current policy

You may be wondering why you received a notice of cancellation on a current policy indicating a reason of “audit noncompliance.” This notice means that the policyholder failed to complete the premium audit for the prior term.

SFM sends out two mailed notices instructing the policyholder to complete the required annual premium audit. Both the policyholder and the agent receive these communications. If the policyholder does not respond by completing the audit by the specified deadline, this is considered audit noncompliance.

Once a policy becomes noncompliant, SFM sends out a notice of cancellation to both to the policyholder and the agent, specifying the number of remaining days before the current term policy will be canceled. This timeline is determined by state rules (ranging from 30-60 days). To avoid final cancellation, the policyholder would then need to complete the prior term premium audit within the specified time range.

If the policyholder does not comply and complete the premium audit by the specified deadline, the current term policy will be final canceled, and both the policyholder and agent will receive a copy of this cancellation notice.

Contact the underwriter to reinstate a policy canceled for audit noncompliance

When a policy goes into cancellation, even if the insured completes the prior term audit, the policy may remain canceled unless the agent contacts the underwriter.

If the premium audit is completed within the first cancellation notice timeframe (30-60 days, depending on the state), the policy will be automatically reinstated. In these cases, no further action is required from the policyholder or agent.

However, if a policy final cancels due to audit noncompliance, the policyholder should complete the premium audit right away and the agent will need to contact the underwriter to consider reinstating the policy.


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SFM attending upcoming 2023 industry events

Join us for the 2023 SFM Foundation golf events

Registration is now open for the SFM Foundation 2023 Minnesota and Iowa “Golfing for Scholarships” fundraisers. The Foundation’s golf events are the biggest fundraisers of the year and pay for most of their multi-year scholarships.

Events will be held on the following dates:

Participate in the event by sponsoring, golfing or both. Sponsorship opportunities are available ranging from $750 to $10,000.

Space at both events is limited, so register early to secure a spot.

Funds raised at these events go toward scholarships for students whose parents were seriously injured or killed while working for Minnesota or Iowa employers.

For more details or to register, visit sfmfoundation.com/events .

About the SFM Foundation

The SFM Foundation was created in 2008 by SFM Companies, a regional workers’ compensation insurance group headquartered in Bloomington, Minnesota. SFM Foundation is dedicated to easing the burdens on families affected by workplace accidents. Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded 216 scholarships totaling $3.2 million. For more information, visit sfmfoundation.com .

SFM Foundation is an affiliate of Kids’ Chance of America  in Iowa and Minnesota.


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