Underwriter accomplishments – 2024 midyear update

Here’s a look at the latest updates and milestones for SFM’s underwriting staff over the past few months.

  • Underwriting Technical Specialist Ashley Butcher completed her Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter designation (she was also promoted to Business Team Leader of Small Business Accounts)
  • Vice President, Director of Underwriting Brian Bent was appointed to the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) Underwriting Committee
  • Kevin Simberg was promoted to Underwriting Technical Specialist
  • Gabby Frein was promoted to Senior Underwriter
  • Eric Olafson was promoted to Underwriting Technical Specialist
  • Michele Schaeperkoetter was promoted to Marketing Underwriter Specialist
  • Carmen Klug was promoted to Business Team Leader of Wisconsin Accounts

Other SFM news of note:

  • Cody Allen was promoted to Territory Manager
  • Mark Lewis was promoted to Business Team Leader of the Small Business Accounts team


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2023 Results: Customer service focus drives another strong year

SFM recorded yet another excellent year in 2023, continuing its strong performance across all core metrics, from policyholder retention to new business and total written premium.

“We are proud of our accomplishments from the previous year,” said Steve Sandilla, SFM Senior Vice President. “Our focus on customer service has continued to foster our growth and sustained success.”

Highlights from 2023:

  • 96.3 percent policyholder retention rate
  • Added 7,257 new policyholders, resulting in new business premium of $34 million
  • Total written premium for the year: $271.6 million
  • Combined ratio was 96 percent – 12th straight year under 100 percent
  • SFM Foundation up to $3.7 million in total scholarships awarded

Other SFM numbers of note

SFM partnered with more than 3,000 independent agents in 2023 and closed out the year with its number of businesses served surpassing 50,000. That adds up to more than 500,000 covered employees.

Meanwhile, as a servicing carrier for the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Assigned Risk Plan, SFM’s Superior Point division served approximately 13,400 employers, representing $20 million in premium. SFM has also been selected to serve up to 20 percent of the Wisconsin Assigned Risk Pool, accounting for 3,800 employers and $12.5 million in premium.

Additionally, SFM Risk Solutions provided third-party administration service to 32 self-insured clients in 2023, including two large groups with over 1,600 individual members. The service has not lost a client to a competitor in 16 years.

SFM also continues to expand. Its ratio of premium and policy counts between its home state and others is shrinking. And that’s a good thing — SFM is diversifying and expanding its footprint in the realm of workers’ compensation insurance. SFM is still the No. 1 workers’ comp carrier in Minnesota.

Licensed in 34 states, SFM is now serving policyholders and partners with agencies in:

  • Minnesota
  • Wisconsin
  • Iowa
  • Nebraska
  • South Dakota
  • Kansas
  • Indiana
  • Tennessee

That ongoing growth and success can be attributed to many factors, Sandilla said, including SFM’s focus on serving customers and the relationships built between the company and agents.

“SFM’s agent partners know our reputation as the work comp experts in the industry,” he said. “We continue to make the best outcomes for clients our primary focus and we are thankful for the trust of our agents and policyholders year after year.”


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SFM resource catalog upgrades

SFM recently made several enhancements to its resource catalog.

The resource catalog is a massive repository of useful information for agents and policyholders. It includes posters and training guides about safety, in-depth plans for employers to successfully report, manage and prevent injuries, and handouts with additional workers’ compensation tips and best practices.

The aim of the latest updates is to create a better user experience for policyholders and agents. Upgrades were based on feedback from internal stakeholders and research conducted by SFM’s User Experience team.

At a high level, the upgrades make it easier for users to discover the available resources and make the catalog more searchable. People are also able to more easily download and order resources.

“SFM has a wealth of assets to help our policyholders. These upcoming improvements will not only help users find and utilize our expertise, but hopefully reduce claims and bolster the bottom line for all of our stakeholders,” said Sara Goese, Senior Web Content Developer at SFM.

The upgrades to SFM’s resource catalog include a more user-friendly layout, the ability for people to see all resources at the click of a button, the inclusion of language filters and more.

Specifically, the improvements include:

  • Users will no longer lose their original search term when clicking in and out of resources
  • The catalog “remembers” where users were on the previous page when clicking into resources and returning to the previous page
  • Loading indicators were added to tell users the system is working on displaying their search results
  • All search results are displayed on the same page, eliminating the need for users to click through pages of results

“SFM takes great pride in helping our policyholders maintain safe and healthy workplaces,” Goese said. “Our resources ensure employers have the tools they need to implement programs and procedures that develop strong return-to-work strategies, stay on alert for potential pitfalls and enhance their ability to keep their workers productive and on the job.”

Lastly, the search functionally was improved across the website in general in addition to the resource catalog itself. Check out the latest updates.


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SFM continues to improve SAM system

SFM recently made additional enhancements to its SFM Agency Manager (SAM) system.

The improvements will help streamline the process for agents and are part of a continual effort to make SAM more user friendly.

To begin, when an application is declined, users will automatically be directed to a declination page, with the option to print a declination letter. The page also displays contact information for the underwriter associated with the application.

“Agents have already loved it,” said Ashley Butcher, SFM Underwriting Technical Specialist. “They don’t have to wait for an answer and have had a really positive reaction to that update.”

Meanwhile, applications now require agents to enter either the company’s federal employer identification number or the employer’s social security number. This will allow agents to see whether it is a second application from the same business.

Other updates to the SAM system include:

  • A screen showing all open applications, regardless of whether they were entered through SAM, email or physical mail
  • Asking for loss history information earlier in the process
  • Other design improvements to make SAM easier to use

“SFM is committed to continuously improving our processes to help our agent partners and policyholders,” Butcher said.

As a reminder, SFM in mid-March 2024 added multifactor authentication to SAM. Learn more on our frequently asked questions page.


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SFM prioritizes in-house premium audits

While agents often hear frustrations from clients when it comes to dealing with third-party vendors for premium audits, SFM continues to conduct nearly all audits in-house.

In a typical year, only about 1 percent of SFM policyholders’ premium audits are handled by a vendor partner. And in 2023, SFM completed more than 19,000 audits.

“A lot of times, policyholders are used to dealing with an employee who works directly for their insurer, and they can be leery of providing sensitive documents to an outside vendor,” said DeAnne Misgen, SFM’s Premium Audit Team Leader. “At the same time, for employers that prefer or are accustomed to an in-person audit, that can also pose a challenge, because most third-party audits are conducted remotely.”

SFM’s premium auditors also have years of experience in the field — some have more than 20 years of experience, and Misgen herself is approaching the 20-year mark in the industry.

Also of note, SFM continues to upgrade its MyPayroll system to make the process easier for users, and recent surveys show policyholders give the premium audit experience at SFM high marks.

Lastly, agents should remind policyholders of the SFM resources available to them regarding premium audits:


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Injured worker portal – easy access to claim information

SFM is committed to helping injured employees get back to work safely and quickly. And that starts with our online Claim Connection portal.

Once an employee has filed a workers’ compensation claim, they receive an email that outlines the information available for them on SFM’s website. This includes:

  • Getting the status of their medical and wage-loss payments
  • Setting up email or text alerts on upcoming payments
  • Looking up their claim number and other details about their claim

It’s SFM’s goal to make it convenient for injured workers to get the information they need at any time.

Remind policyholders to tell injured workers to register for our Claim Connection portal so they can track the progress of their claim.


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SFM underwriter accomplishments

Here’s a look at the latest updates and milestones for SFM’s underwriting staff over the past few months.


  • Gabby Frein, Iowa/Nebraska/Kansas Accounts, promoted to Senior Underwriter
  • Eric Olafson, Underwriting Tech, promoted to Underwriting Tech Specialist
  • Eleisha Fischer, Wisconsin Accounts, promoted to Underwriter
  • Michele Schaeperkoetter, South/Metro Accounts, promoted to Marketing Underwriter Specialist
  • Robbie Anfinsen, North/Metro Accounts, promoted to Marketing Underwriter
  • Jenna Lefebvre, North/Metro Accounts, promoted to Marketing Underwriter Specialist
  • Jason Kelly, Small Business Accounts, promoted to Senior Underwriter


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SFM attending spring 2024 industry events

Letter from the President: Following a tough act

Terry Miller
President & CEO Terry Miller

Following up your best-ever financial year can be one of the most challenging things a company can do. Coming off the amazing success SFM experienced in 2022, I’m reminded how rare it is for a Super Bowl or World Series champion to repeat that success the following year.

Well, I am proud to say that SFM did back up its historically great year with a very good 2023 despite a bad winter slip and fall season, declining rates in all of our markets and added competition as multi-line carriers look to workers’ compensation for the answer to their continuing property insurance woes.

That last item is where SFM’s partnership with our independent agents really shines. When you choose to keep your accounts with SFM, we recognize that you are resisting the pressure from the multi-line carriers demanding the consolidation of the work comp with their collateral lines. Every time you honor your policyholders’ desire to stay with the work comp experts, it strengthens our mutual relationship. SFM’s policyholder retention rate remains the best in the business, and we recognize the enormous role our independent agency partners play in upholding that standard. On top of that, you have presented us with more new account opportunities than ever. SFM has responded by writing more new business in 2023 than we have ever recorded in a year ($33 million).

Just as SFM has been there for you through the unpredictability of the pandemic and oddities of the post-pandemic economy, we will be there for you and your policyholders in the years to come.

Since we only write workers’ compensation insurance, our success depends on doing it exceptionally well. We are proud to deliver on that commitment, and we count on our agency partners to help us get it done right. We’re grateful to the agents and policyholders who let us know in survey after survey that our unwavering devotion to service excellence has benefited them.

Key takeaways and highlights from 2023:

  • Continued 96%+ policyholder retention rate
  • Record new business
  • Audits and endorsements tracking ahead of projections
  • Impact from medical inflation continues to be mild
  • Paid losses better than expected, enabling reserve releases
  • Policyholder surplus growth larger than premium growth
  • Combined ratio on track for a 13th year in a row below 100%

Financial results are an important measure of performance, but we never lose sight of the fact that our success comes as a result of doing right by our all of customers. At SFM, we get there by living our mission every day, and we’re proud to partner with independent agents who believe in it.

“Inspiring safer workplaces
by protecting workers from harm
and helping the injured recover.”

Thank you for your continued support and partnership! We look forward to sharing success with you and your clients for many years to come.


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SFM continues growth outside of Minnesota

SFM’s expansion to new states in recent years is paying off, as the company’s share of premium outside of Minnesota continues to grow.

While SFM is still the No. 1 workers’ comp carrier in Minnesota, and the state’s largest writer of workers’ comp since 1991, its ratio of premium and policy counts between its home state and others is shrinking. And that’s a good thing — SFM is diversifying and expanding its footprint in the realm of workers’ compensation insurance.

As of late 2023, that figure (Minnesota compared to other states) is about 60/40.

“We’re extremely proud to have maintained our status as Minnesota’s leading work comp insurer,” said Cody Allen, Business Development Specialist. “But to see our foothold in new states grow over the past few years has been remarkable. It’s a testament to our commitment to be the work comp experts and provide the best possible outcomes for agents, policyholders and employees.”

SFM expansion update

By way of background, several years ago SFM started expanding into a few states near its Minnesota headquarters:

  • Wisconsin – 2003
  • Iowa – 2009
  • Nebraska – 2009
  • South Dakota – 2007

In recent years, the company has moved into Kansas, Indiana and Tennessee.

As well as being the top workers’ comp carrier in Minnesota, SFM’s market share position in that first batch of states is:

  • Wisconsin – 15th
  • Iowa – 7th
  • Nebraska – 9th
  • South Dakota – 4th

The statistics come from SNL Financial, a data analytics firm within the S&P Global organization, which issues an annual insurance industry study that compares market share and ranks carriers within each state of operation.

Meanwhile, SFM policyholders are increasing in Kansas, Indiana and Tennessee. Partnering with local groups in each state, it’s anticipated that SFM will capture additional market share in these states in the coming years.

“What this really demonstrates is the value agents and policyholders see in SFM and its focus on customer service,” said Shawn Miner, VP of Regional Business. “We only do work comp and we do it well.”

Take Kansas, for example. SFM entered the state in 2020 and agency partners have helped the company write nearly 700 policies for $2.7 million in-force premium, along with hiring additional expertise within the state of Kansas.

The feedback from agency partners in Kansas about SFM’s service model and ease of doing business has been overwhelmingly positive, with several agencies saying SFM is their go-to work comp carrier and requesting SFM write some of their larger accounts.

“We are excited to provide this increased appetite to our partners so that they can offer our top-notch services to more Kansas employers,” Miner said.

SFM is always cognizant of agent feedback when it comes to its expansion efforts and will continue to listen to its business partners moving forward.

That ongoing dialogue has contributed to the growth at SFM. Long-standing partners know that SFM believes in steady, measured growth, which brings value to both established partners and newly appointed agents.

“We continue to be viewed as a leader in the work comp industry,” said Steve Sandilla, Senior VP and Chief Business Officer. “While SFM has long been a leader in the Midwest, the success of this latest round of expansion is a sign that we will continue to garner more market share in the years to come.”

SFM is now licensed in 34 states. You can view a complete state coverage list on the account types and territory page of the SFM website.


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