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The work comp claims process following a driving incident

What does the workers’ compensation claims process look like following a driving incident?

Why employers should get to know medical providers

Building relationships with the local doctors most likely to treat your injured workers lays the groundwork for teamwork between you, the physician and your insurer.

Strong hiring and communication processes can improve your bottom line

Here are some steps employers can take to improve workers’ compensation practices and save time and money.

Report claims early
Employers should report claims early to avoid penalties

Report claims as soon as possible and keep an open line of communication with your SFM claims representative.

Return to work
Why early return-to-work benefits your employees and bottom line

Strong return-to-work programs lead to better outcomes for injured workers and can help control workers’ compensation premium costs for employers.

Can employers pay small medical bills without submitting them to their workers’ compensation insurer?

Choosing to pay a workers' compensation medical bill yourself can create a ripple effect of future problems.

Does workers’ compensation insurance cover injuries from car accidents?

In some cases, automobile accidents are covered by workers’ compensation. Here’s what to if you’re involved in a work-related car accident.

Opioids and workers' compensation: Why employers should care

Opioid painkiller misuse not only threatens the general well-being of employees, but can create on-the-job safety risks and inhibit recovery and return-to-work.

Nine expert tips that can lower your workers’ compensation costs

Employers have some control over workers’ compensation premiums. Here are our best tips for controlling your losses, and as a result, your premiums.

Why watching prescriptions closely is so important
Why watching prescriptions closely is so important

SFM works hard to make sure injured workers’ medications are managed well, and as part of that effort, SFM partners with pharmacy benefits manager, myMatrixx.

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