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Opioids and workers' compensation: Why employers should care

Opioid painkiller misuse not only threatens the general well-being of employees, but can create on-the-job safety risks and inhibit recovery and return-to-work.

Nine expert tips that can lower your workers’ compensation costs

Employers have some control over workers’ compensation premiums. Here are our best tips for controlling your losses, and as a result, your premiums.

Why watching prescriptions closely is so important
Why watching prescriptions closely is so important

SFM works hard to make sure injured workers’ medications are managed well, and as part of that effort, SFM partners with pharmacy benefits manager, myMatrixx.

Four things you need to do after an employee is injured

Help prevent future workplace injuries, get the employee on the road to recovery and ensure a smooth claim process with these four post-injury tips.

Benefits of a strong return-to-work program

Bringing injured employees back to work as soon as their doctor allows it is not only the right thing to do, it’s also the smart thing to do. A strong return-to-work program benefits your employees and your organization.

Retaliation claims: what they are and best practices to avoid them

If an employee feels they’ve been wrongfully targeted for exercising their protected right, they may in turn file a retaliation claim. Learn best practices to avoid them.

When is PTSD covered by workers’ compensation?

For PTSD to be covered by workers’ compensation, it must meet the criteria as described in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and be diagnosed by a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Claim adjusters’ best tips to avoid workers’ comp missteps

SFM’s claims representatives share their top tips for employers when dealing with workers’ compensation claims.

Avoid common mistakes when reporting work injuries

Fast, accurate injury reporting can reduce frustration for everyone involved. Watch out for these common mistakes.

Subrogation: When third parties bear responsibility for work injuries

When one of your employees is injured in the course and scope of employment and a negligent third party bears some responsibility, we can sometimes recover a portion or all of the workers’ compensation claim costs from the responsible party through subrogation.

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