January 28, 2020
Managing claims Q&A: Answers to some of our most common claims questionsManaging claims Q&A. Claims representatives answer common employer questions about workers' compensation claims.
January 28, 2020
Managing claims Q&A: Answers to some of our most common claims questionsManaging claims Q&A. Claims representatives answer common employer questions about workers' compensation claims.
January 8, 2020
Seven things employers should know about independent medical examinationsHere are a few things you should know about independent medical examinations.
December 6, 2019
Who's calling me? The roles of workers' compensation claims, medical, rehab and legal professionalsWhile claims representatives are injured workers’ primary contact, they might also hear from medical, rehabilitation or legal professionals.
September 11, 2019
Preventing opioid addictions before they startLearn how SFM is working to prevent opioid addictions with injured workers before they start.
June 13, 2019
Video: Claims representatives talk about their roleClaims representatives talk about how they help injured workers recover and return to work in a new SFM recruiting video.
April 17, 2019
Free return-to-work resource provides ideas for light-duty jobsWhen injured workers have medical restrictions, it’s sometimes tough to find transitional jobs. That's why SFM created a free listing of ideas, broken down by industry.
April 10, 2019
Are employees working overseas covered by work comp?Employees who are working overseas temporarily are generally covered by their employers' domestic workers' compensation policies.
March 27, 2019
How opioid painkiller use can impact a workers' compensation claimTaking opioid painkillers long term, or in high doses can have a major impact on an injured worker’s recovery and return to work.
December 19, 2018
Prevent litigation, stay in contact with injured employeesMany litigated workers’ compensation cases could have been avoided if the employer had taken the time to show concern for the employee’s welfare during the early stages of the claim.
December 12, 2018
Keeping problem employees on staff can increase workers’ compensation costsDealing with employee performance problems can be much more challenging if that employee claims a work injury. To avoid this, address performance issues right away.
June 20, 2018
Alternatives to opioids for treating chronic painThe medical community is identifying alternative ways to help individuals with chronic pain such as exercise, acupuncture and virtual reality.
May 30, 2018
Hidden costs of work injuriesFew employers realize just how costly a work injury can be until they experience one at their organization. That’s because there are so many hidden costs of work injuries that aren’t covered by workers’ compensation benefits, such as lost productivity, overtime costs, and impacts on the injured worker and their family.
April 18, 2018
New studies on opioids show ineffectiveness, high costRecent studies have shown that opioids are less effective than common painkillers and delay return to work. SFM has been working since 2014 to reduce long-term use of opioids by injured workers.
December 13, 2017
Workplace safety and claims resources for employees with limited English proficiencySFM offers a number of resources to help keep employees with limited English proficiency safe, and assist if they are injured.
November 17, 2015
After severe injury, man recovers, thrives, then helps othersSFM employees recently heard the inspiring story of a man who not only overcame a tragic accident that cost him both legs, but used the experience to help others.