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How to help employees combat sleeplessness

Sleep physicians around the world are now treating a growing number of patients with symptoms of insomnia.

Productive aging in the workplace

Supporting an aging workforce benefits everyone

Total worker health
Total Worker Health: What you need to know

Total Worker Health offers an integrated approach to worker health, safety and well-being with a proactive approach to overall health and wellness.

ROI and VOI: A strong wellness program measures both

When making the case for wellness programs, measuring both ROI and VOI will illustrate the impact the program has on your organization.

How to boost workplace safety efforts by connecting wellness

If your organization treats workplace safety and wellness as two separate initiatives, maybe it's time to start thinking about the connections between the two.

Why employee happiness is so important

The numerous benefits of a positive workplace make a compelling case for building a supportive, affirming work environment where employee happiness is valued.

Stressed employee at work
Strategies to combat work-related stress

People think stress is a natural by-product of work. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Use these tips to prevent negative health impacts of work stress.

Supporting injured employees’ mental and emotional health

As an employer, you can play an important role in helping an injured worker maintain their mental health. Read on to learn how.

How hobbies can improve mental health and overall well-being

Just as eating fruits and vegetables can play an important role in physical health, research suggests there may be a similarly simple way to improve mental health – having a hobby.

Fostering good relationships among employees

On average, employees will spend a third of their lives at work, so it’s safe to say their jobs have a huge impact on their quality of life. That means it’s important to ensure their time is spent in an organization where they can have healthy relationships with their colleagues.

Tips to cut down on virtual meeting fatigue

A recent study by global staffing firm Robert Half indicates that workers may be suffering from video call fatigue. Among the 1,000 people surveyed, 76% said they participate in virtual meetings and that they spend about one-third of their workday in front of a camera.

Research finds stress is bad for workers, bad for business

Research paints a picture of just how expensive work-related stress can be, both for workers’ health and for their employers.

Employee well-being

Workplace safety and health are moving beyond "do no harm" to include overall employee well-being.

Don’t overlook depression in the workplace feature image
Don’t overlook depression and anxiety at work

Depression and anxiety. Let’s talk about them. It’s time to shine a light on common disorders that often go unmentioned at work.

Constant distraction can harm employees’ well-being

Employees can experience stress and burnout when they don’t take enough time to fully disconnect from work.

Ways to help employees struggling with mental health

You may have employees who are struggling with their mental health. Offering assistance and education about mental health can help them get back to a healthy place.

Fatigue and sleep deprivation in the workplace common, studies find

Fatigue and sleep deprivation in the workplace come with severe costs to health, safety and the economy.

Help your employees achieve the four elements of financial well-being

Address financial stress in your employees by applying the four elements of personal financial well-being to a financial wellness program.

10 statistics that make the case for workplace wellness programs

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce report “Winning With Wellness” makes the case for workplace wellness programs with some key employee health statistics.

Help your employees with these smoking cessation resources

Smoking can significantly increase the length and cost of a workers’ compensation claim. Here are several state and national resources to help your employees quit smoking.

Prevent obesity in the workplace to reduce costs, research says

Obesity has high costs both in terms of a worker’s health and costs to the employer, and the workplace can be a contributing factor.

A healthier workforce: Tips for starting and building your workplace wellness program

Tips for starting and building your workplace wellness program: If you’ve been thinking about offering a wellness program, but don’t know where to begin, start here.

Does your workplace offer a wellness program? Survey results from SFM policyholders

In a recent wellness program survey, we found out which employers are more likely to have a workplace wellness program and what topics they address.

Two key factors for a successful workplace wellness program

What makes a workplace wellness program successful? Here are two best practices revealed by researchers.

How employers can take charge of health-related productivity losses

How do you reduce absenteeism and presenteeism in your employees? Start by maintaining a safe workplace and encouraging health and wellness.

How to add mindfulness to your workplace wellness program

Workplaces can build on successful physical wellness programs by incorporating a popular — and proven — technique for emotional health: mindfulness.

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