Letter from the President: Another strong year for SFM

Terry Miller
SFM CEO Terry Miller

Even under growing pressure from package carriers, SFM had another successful year in 2024.

The achievements at SFM are a direct result of our relationships with our agent partners — through both policyholder retention and generating new business.

We continue to strive to be the leader in workers’ compensation coverage, providing unmatched service and working to keep employees safe while ensuring clients see reductions in their experience modification factor.

Our commitment to service excellence is the foundation for the success we share, and I believe the results will bear that out every time.

Highlights from 2024 include:

  • SFM’s policyholder retention level of 96% further demonstrates our industry-leading customer loyalty
  • Growth in our newer markets continues, particularly Indiana and Tennessee
  • Policyholder surplus growth larger than premium growth
  • We continue to make enhancements to our online portals, the SFM Agency Manager (SAM) and MyPayroll, making our processes smoother and more user friendly
  • We upgraded the SFM Resource Catalog, released new promotional videos and again provided our policyholders with valuable safety webinars

As we move forward in the new year, we want to build on the strength of our partnerships, write more business with our agent partners and keep the momentum we have built over the years. When you choose to keep your accounts with SFM, we recognize that you are resisting the pressure from the multi-line carriers demanding the consolidation of the work comp with their collateral lines.

SFM realizes that strong financial results are important, but we know our unwavering commitment to customer service and doing right by all our stakeholders is paramount.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership! We look forward to sharing success with you and your clients for many years to come.


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