Remind policyholders: winter safety must continue

It’s that time of year again…

With winter in full swing — and the upcoming thawing and refreezing cycles in the months ahead — workplace safety should be paramount.

Be sure to remind your policyholders that just because spring is on the horizon, it doesn’t mean they can be any less vigilant about workplace safety.

Slips, trips and falls – the bottom line

Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of workplace injury. They can be severe, leading to fractures, head trauma or worse.

The costs of covering these claims gets expensive. Not only can it negatively influence the employer’s experience modification factor, but it also impacts agency and carrier results. SFM estimates the average winter slip-and-fall lost-time claim to be between $50,000 and $55,000.

Weather is a major factor in workers’ compensation. Slipping and falling because of snow and ice is one of the most common workplace injuries.

Resources for policyholders

With a few reminders and some common sense, policyholders can help employees stay safe and reduce the potential for claims.

A few basic tips for you to pass along include:

  • Properly maintain your parking lot and walking areas
  • Encourage employees to wear appropriate shoes for the weather
  • In the case of a snowstorm, let employees work from home or reschedule if possible
  • Manage snow piles near walkways to avoid melting snow refreezing to ice

Policyholders should educate their employees about other winter safety measures, such as walking like a penguin, salting slippery areas, avoiding shortcuts, and stepping down, not out, of vehicles.

If you are looking for additional resources to help in these efforts, check out what’s available on our website or contact your underwriter.


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