SFM employees connect with college students

A number of SFM employees took time recently to talk with students about issues in insurance, and careers in the field.

Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Amanda Aponte presented to University of St. Thomas actuarial students on how COVID-19 has impacted the property casualty industry.

Internal Premium Auditor Toni Dvorak spoke as a panelist at the University of St. Thomas Dougherty Family College, sharing with students pursuing associate degrees in liberal arts. She talked about her experience working in the industry and gave advice on how to prepare for a job in insurance.

Loss Prevention Technical Leader Lee Wendel gave a guest lecture at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Business attended by actuarial and business students in the school’s insurance program. He talked about how leadership can impact major loss sources for employee injuries, and how technology is impacting safety over time.


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