SFM Foundation golf events recap, fall events set

SFM Foundation golf eventsThe SFM Foundation’s summer golf events are in the books, and more than $160,000 was raised for the organization’s scholarship fund.

Founded in 2008, the nonprofit provides college scholarships for students whose families are impacted by workplace injuries.

“We’re always so thankful of the support of our agent partners, clients and others who contribute to our mission,” said Linda Williams, President of the SFM Foundation. “These golf events are not only a way to raise scholarship funds, but they also allow those involved to connect and build a community.”

The events were held in Iowa and Minnesota, and more than 260 golfers participated. Both fundraisers saw increases from last year’s totals.

“We are proud of our efforts to support these families, and they have endured difficult times and deserve something good,” said Andy Gebhard, Chair of the SFM Foundation Board of Directors. “Without the support of our sponsors, agents and others, we would not be able to help these young people. The foundation is doing great things, and it takes all of us working together to make it all happen.”

SFM Foundation fall events

Planning is well underway for the SFM Foundation’s fall events.

The second annual Iowa Bowling for Scholarships events is set for Oct. 17 in at Spare Time Entertainment in West Des Moines.

On Nov. 7, the foundation will host the Minnesota Sip & Shop for Scholarships. There is also a silent auction running in conjunction with the event.

See the SFM Foundation’s events page for more details.

About the SFM Foundation

The SFM Foundation is a nonprofit that helps families affected by workplace injuries by providing scholarships to children of workers disabled or killed in work-related accidents. The financial burden of putting a student through college is real. Add a catastrophic injury into the mix and affording college is an even bigger challenge. We help education be more affordable for these students and their families by offering multi-year post-secondary scholarships.

SFM Foundation is an affiliate of Kids’ Chance of America in Iowa and Minnesota and is also known as Kids’ Chance of Iowa.

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