The data on dangerous driving

This is the first in a four-part series of SFM blogs recapping our June 2024 webinar, Driving Safety, An SFM webinar for policyholders .

What does the underlying data say about dangerous driving?

As part of SFM’s safe driving webinar, Abby Halland, Senior Business Intelligence Technical Analyst, broke down the workers’ compensation costs of dangerous driving, as well as public perception regarding certain unsafe activities.

Pulling information from SFM’s own database and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Halland discussed:

  • Claims costs for motor vehicle crashes
  • Litigation figures for claims involving crashes
  • Cultural perceptions of risky driving behavior

See her portion of the webinar here:

Interesting findings from Halland’s presentation include:

  • Claims from crashes are 2.5 times more expensive than all other claims
  • Crashes are litigated 40% of the time, compared to 15% for other types of claims
  • A survey by AAA found 30% of drivers used a handheld device while driving and 50% drive 15 mph or faster on the freeway

“It’s key that we review ways in which to reduce the occurrence of these claims and mitigate the severity,” Halland said.

Check out the complete recording of the webinar , and keep an eye out for other blogs highlighting sections of the presentation.

Lastly, you can find previous SFM workers’ compensation webinars on our website.

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Safe driving
